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Segnaliamo che è possibile consultare il fascicolo n. 1 del vol. 10 della rivista Comparative Law Review al sito, di cui quindi di seguito anticipiamo l’indice:

On the pandemic

  1. G. FRANKENBERG, The Pandemic of Authoritarianism
  2. A. PERA, Islamic Rites and Ceremonies in the Pandemic Emergency Between Parallel Legal Orders Court decisions and legal comparison
  3. M. KATSIVELA, The Notion of Causation and the Tort of Negligence (common law) / Extra-contractual Personal Liability (civil law) in Canada: a Comparative Legal Study
  4. C. GIUSTI – F. L. CIAMBRONE, The Nomophylactic Function of the European Court of Justice in Tax Matters within the Italian and German Experience. Possible Dispute Settlement Solutions for the Member States
    New approaches and themes
  5. A. STAZI, Data Circulation and Legal Saveguards: a European Perspective
  6. V. PECILE, Rethinking The Nexus Of Law, Space And Justice: Protecting The Property Interests Of The Poor In The Late Capitalist City