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The CfC St. Moritz Academic Research Track will be co-located with the 6th CfC St. Moritz and will take place on January 12, 2024, at the Suvretta House in St. Moritz, Switzerland. We seek original research contributions on topics such as decentralised finance, systemic reward, regulation, risk management, governance mechanisms, and economic incentives within blockchain protocols. Interested researchers are invited to submit their work. Submissione Deadline: November 15th, 2023. For further information att. 4.

The Journal of Law, Market & Innovation (JLMI) welcomes submissions for its second issue of 2024. The Call for Papers for this second issue is devoted to the Regulation of Civil Drones: a Comparative Law Assessment. The Call aims at gathering contributions that analyze tge regulation of civil drones (the use of drones in armed conflicts is outside the scope of this call for papers). Prospective articles should be submitted in the form of abstract (around 800 words) or draft articles to by 30 November 2023. You can find the call with all the details at the following link 

In occasione del Seminario “Le sfide della protezione dei dati personali di fronte all’intelligenza artificiale: un approccio comparato” che si terrà a Roma il 23 febbraio 2024, organizzato dalla Scuola di Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo e dal Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali, è aperta una call for paper. Gli/le interessati/e dovranno inviare un abstract dell’intervento di massimo 1500 caratteri entro il 10 dicembre 2023. Ulteriori informazioni sulla partecipazione al bando sono disponibili nel programma allegato (all. 5).

Segnaliamo la call for papers (disponibile al link per il volume n. 3 della rivista Jurimétrie – Revue de la mesure des phénomènes juridiques, pubblicata dall’Université Savoie Mont-Blanc ( Gli abstract possono essere in lingua francese o in inglese. La data di scadenza per l’invio delle proposte è il 31 dicembre 2023.

We are pleased to share with you the call for papers on the Decolonial Comparative Property Law theme. The workshop will take place at the Universidade Católica de Brasília (Brazil), on November 4-6, 2024. The call for papers is only for the workshop. You are invited to submit a paper (sole or co-authorship) by January 14, 2024. For further information

In the context of the PRIN-Project “Digital Vulnerability in European Private Law” (DiVE), we are planning the second conference, scheduled for April/May 2024 at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, focusing on the theme “Human Vulnerability in Interaction with AI”. If you are interested in participating as a speaker, please submit an abstract no longer than 500 words to by January 15, 2024. Joint submissions by legal scholars and researchers from other disciplines are encouraged. The DiVE Project Team and the International Advisory Board Members will evaluate proposals and provide feedback by February 15, 2024. For further information

The A.S.Cent. Senior Visiting Research Fellowship hosts academics and scientists to participate in researches and improve the academic life of the Centre. Senior Visiting Research Fellowships are intended to create close working relationships with worldwide acclaimed scholars and researchers from foreign institutions within fields covered by the University of Palermo research programmes. For further information att. 1 pdf

The A.S.Cent. Visiting Research Fellowship hosts academics and scientists to participate in researches and improve the academic life of the Centre. Visiting Research Fellowships are intended to create close working relationships with worldwide young scholars and researchers from foreign institutions within fields covered by the University of Palermo research programmes. For further information att. 2 pdf